On shedding and rebuilding.

reflections Dec 11, 2019

It's interesting how sometimes shedding a layer of stuff that no longer serve us, brings us closer to having to face and honour our true selves.

2019 was an interesting year for me (I know many of us share this experience) and I was forced to “shed” many layers. I left a job that I was wholeheartedly invested in and consumed by, I finally addressed a long-term injury and I dealt with the existential aftermath of saying goodbye to my grandparents, my close friend and several clients in 2018/19.

And as these layers fell away, I had to inevitably face what was left; what do I want? What do I need? What is my purpose? Who even am I?

All the uncomfortable questions…

As I continued to dig deep, I found and addressed some deep seated pain about my past, especially around the challenges of growing up Asian in Australia. Part of this journey involved meeting and speaking with Asian Australians across a broad range of professions and I began to understand that my experiences were shared by so many other people. I not only chatted with my friends, but I cold-called people I didn’t know, who referred me to their networks, who referred me to more people and before I knew it, Shapes and Sounds had birthed itself into the world.

My aim is for Shapes and Sounds to become an online platform for us to talk about, reframe and promote Asian Australian mental health through both traditional and alternative mental health supports. After some intense shedding, I feel aligned and ready to honour this purpose that I’ve discovered within.

So, thank you for joining me in these early days. Things may start to look and feel a little different as we progress but please know that I will always be open to your feedback, ideas, experiences and questions. And, if you’re also shedding, please know that I get it (to the best of my ability) and am wishing you the best as you rebuild.

💡Free resource: The essential guide to Asian Australian mental health.

We created our "Essential Guide for Asian Australian Mental Health" by surveying over 350 Asian Australians during Covid-19 lockdowns.

Download our guide and learn about the three most pertinent areas of concern for the Asian community, with tips and strategies to support you through.

Download now